PAKISTAN FLOODS: TIME Removes Pakistan Floods Story from Cover of US Edition (SAJAforum)

(Posted at SAJAforum)

Via Climate Progress:

[T]he big new Time magazine cover story for their European, Asian, and South Pacific editions, Through Hell And High Water, doesn’t make the cut for the U.S. edition’s cover (as the screen capture [below] shows).  In fact, can someone tell me if it made the print edition at all, since I can’t find the story in the table of contents?

Equally significant, the Time story itself never mentions the link to climate change or global warming at all, even though it is pretty basic physics…. [link


What does in fact “make[] a school great,” you ask?  You won’t find this in TIME Magazine, but at least according to a pair of reports [one, two] reprinted on the Asia Society website back in September 2008, it is “crucial” for U.S. schools to improve students’ development of “international knowledge and skills.” Ahem.

[HT: Manan Ahmed]

Related post on SAJAforum: NATURAL DISASTERS: How you can help the Pakistan flood victims